Agenda 2025 – The Way Forward

IPEC Europe defined its priorities and goals for the period 2020-2025, summarised in the following 'Agenda 2025 – The Way Forward’.
The following topics have been identified as the main pillars of IPEC Europe strategy to ‘be recognised as the voice of excipients in Europe’.


Website, newsletter,  social media

IPEC Europe will further enhance its communication efforts by providing updates on activities, events and regulatory news on its regular channels, including its website, the newsletter, and the official LinkedIn page, in a bid to increase the engagement of current members and attract potential members.

Global Collaboration

Increase collaboration and exchange

In a globalised world, IPEC Europe benefits from its shared network of sisters associations in the U.S., Japan, China and India. Cooperation under the auspices of IPEC Federation remains a strategic priority as it allows to communicate with one voice to regulators and other stakeholders. IPEC Europe will seek opportunities to build relationships with key industry and regulatory stakeholders in support of its activities and goals.


Continue to develop guidance documents and tools

In an evolving regulatory environment, IPEC Europe maintains its focus on monitoring the regulatory changes and communicating them to its members. Task forces are formed with expert volunteers from IPEC Europe membership to work on hot topics on an ad hoc basis.
Well-established IPEC Guidance documents will be further developed and new documents developed as appropriate to provide practical support to suppliers and users of excipients. The development of a monitoring system will help to identify proactively proposed regulations which can potentially have an impact on excipients.

Knowledge Sharing

Conferences, Seminars, Webinars

Sharing of knowledge around excipients is one of IPEC Europe main priorities. IPEC Europe will further intensify its activities in the organisation of conferences, seminars and webinars - with an emphasis on regulatory and scientific/technical topics - to help IPEC Europe members and other stakeholders from both the excipients and the pharmaceutical industry to keep abreast of important developments. IPEC Europe will also participate in conferences, fairs and seminars run by other organisers and actively contribute to such events with topics about excipients.

Compendial Compliance

Contribute to EDQM, IPEC Federation and Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group (PDG)

IPEC Europe understands compendial compliance is a core priority. A special priority is our relationship with the European Directorate on the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) on excipients, a collaboration which we maintain via regular meetings and other communication channels. Project-oriented task forces are created to focus on hot topics whenever needed.

Recruitment activities led by the Board

Recruitment activities led by the Board

A continuous priority of IPEC Europe is to grow its membership and increase the level of representation of excipients suppliers and users. Within this activity, a balance of members from suppliers and users remains key.
Recruitment activities will be combined with communication with members to understand their expectations.